

Paper copies of meeting minutes are also available at the township administration office.

Pat Mahaffey

In 1810, Robert Taylor moved to these Refugee Lands and settled in what we now call Truro Township.

Jason Nicodemus
Township Administrator
Ph: 614-866-1317

Fx: 614-866-6861

truro history

refuse hauler

Natalie Nicodemus
Fiscal Officer

Local Waste Services is our Exclusive Hauler. Click below to Establish Services.

About Township Administrator

The township administrator is the liaison between the township
and the fire department, road/cemetery department and the
Fiscal Officer.  The township administrator assists with the
development of policies and resolutions of the trustees, informing
the trustees of financial conditions, prepares the annual budget,
responds to public record requests, and recommends measures
as instructed by the trustees.

About Township Elected Officials 
The township officials consist of three trustees and a township fiscal officer who are elected to four-year staggered terms. One trustee and the fiscal officer are elected in one odd-numbered year, and the two remaining trustees are elected two years later.
The Board of Trustees regular meetings shall be held on the first Thursday of each month at 4:00 p.m., unless otherwise postponed or canceled.  Unless otherwise specified, meetings are held at the Truro Township Offices, located at 6900 E. Main Street, Reynoldsburg, Ohio.
The trustees have the legislative authority of the township.  Under township responsibilities, the trustees oversee the care and maintenance of the township roads and cemetery, fire/EMS protection, and waste disposal.  Other responsibilities include, conduct monthly meetings, adopt annual budget, make resolutions 
relative to the township business, and maintain records of all township business

and activities.
The Fiscal Officer is the township's chief financial officer.  The township fiscal officer has designated duties as specified in the Ohio Revised Code, such as accurately recording proceedings of the board to township trustees.  It is the responsibility of the fiscal officer to keep an accurate record of all township accounts
and transactions.

Dennis Nicodemus

trustee meeting minutes

Elected Officials


Chris Long